It has short changed (betrayed) its minority race parliamentary representation by almost 25%
It has allowed top politicians to decrease their accountability to citizens by 85%.
(Must be the diabolical creation of an evil maths genius in Singapore for his own tyrannical rule.)
Calculations as follows:
By law, each Group Representation Constituency (GRC) needs only one notional minority MP to contest general elections. In GE2020, there will now be 17 GRC and 14 SMC making a total of 93 MP seats in parliament (which are not NCMP or NMP seats) .
The result of which would be 17/93= 18.28% minority representation, especially if the myth or rumour that the PAP invented during introduction of GRC system, that 'Singaporeans in general will not vote in a minority candidate' is a self fulfilling prophesy (there will be zero minority MP in single seats by this PAP philosophy /thumb rule) .
However, according to Singapore demographics (2014) at Minority population stands at 23.8%, meaning that the GRC system of elections actually provides for a deficit of 23.2% minority race representation (18.28%/23.8%=76.81%), or that minorities in Singapore are 23.2% (almost 25%) under represented in parliament (or short changed by the PAP (despite the lofty claims by PAP that 'GRC ensures minority representation' )(the following examples also show how this minority race representation is also easily reducible to zero overnight at the whims and fancy of senior political leaders concerned) .
* see details in final paragraph below about how NCMP system can ensure adequate racial minority representation and even more.
As for the efforts by top politicians to decrease their political accountability to Singaporeans (by almost 85%), this is calculated as follows:
Since it has already been mentioned that only 14 seats are single seat constituencies, therefore, only 14/93=15% of seats are subject to by-election should the MP vacate the seat for whatever reason. Thus for all intents and purposes, a by-election in any of the GRC (covering 85% of Singapore) is effectively a foregone conclusion, since GRC laws allow for exemption from by-election if just one MP (likely a cabinet minister) remains and even the minority MP is fully dispensable in this case. It is thus very possible for Cabinet to still remain in power, even if all other non Cabinet MPs rebel, which assuming that there are 17 cabinet ministers and thus 76 non cabinet MPs, 17 cabinet ministers can easily over rule 76 MPs as follows, (assuming that PAP has won all MP seats in GE2020) :
For the 62 GRC MP who are non cabinet ministers, they can all be immediately dismissed by stripping them of their PAP party membership which will automatically cause them to vacate their MP seat (with zero recourse since GRC by-elections are not provided FOR as long as any one MP remains) . For the rest of the 14 MP, they do not have majority vote as compared to the 17 cabinet ministers helming one GRC each. Since the Cabinet is used to threatening the electorate with disincentives and disammenities for supporting opposition, it remains theoretically possible that the cabinet would also strip party membership of the remaining 14 SMC MP and have them replaced and then walla, there again is a 2/3 majority in parliament (even after 76 MPs (82%) rebelled) , but cabinet could still prevail and in facts change Singapore's constitution perhaps towards something like a monarchy, declare emergency rule or equivalents to perpetuate dynastic rule.
It is thus seen that the GRC system of elections is an authoritarian and malicious invention facilitating facist/ authoritarian rule, out to short change minority racial representation and also significantly decrease the accountability of cabinet ministers to ordinary citizens; it is thus for this reason that I would recommend that the GRC system of elections be significantly rolled back in favour of a full SMC system of elections with an NCMP system to ensure adequate minority racial representation (and more**).
**see post script.
The NCMP system would be the insurance package to ensure that the 23.8% of the MPs in parliament are of* minority race (even in proportion between Malays and Indians). In a 93 seat parliament, 23.8% works out to 22.134, to be kind, there should be 23 minority MP, if in extremis where none are elected, then 29 NCMPs would be of minority race.
(mathematically if no minority is in majority elected, then the best 29 will become NCMP to prove their mettle in parliament and be elected as full MP during next elections)
Solve for X/(X +93)=0.238; where X is number of minority race NCMP and 93 MP are all Chinese.
This is certainly a substantial improvement over the current measly 18.28% GRC ensured minority MP.
PS: the NMP scheme can allow for all majority religious groups to be represented in parliament as well. However, unlike NCMP who have voting rights as a normal MP would, such religions based NMP will only be able to speak and vote where the issue pertains mainly or in majority to an issue with high religious importance involved, with prior submission to speaker of Parliament of the issue and permission from speaker should an ad hoc concern arise.
SMC are free to coalesce after elections to form GRCs for economy of scale and management. However, the accounts will still have to be kept separate with each SMC contributing to a general GRC fund (as should be the present case) since the town council sinking fund would have to be accounted for each time a district is moved around GRC or cut off by the elections boundaries Committee each election cycle. The MP remains responsible for the respective TC funds.
Instead of minorities being paid by PAP as puppets to betray their own race (for sake of high pay) or becoming the clown mascot MP in every GRC, minority MP should strive to prove their mettle in the cut and thrust of Parliament so as to win the trust of citizens to be their chosen political representative in Parliament. With up to 29 minority seats possible to always maintain the racial minority political representation percentage, minority race candidates will probably contest most seats and make. Singaporeans more politically savvy as well.
Please return Justice and Equality to the hallowed halls of Parliament and end the hijacking by a military junta or dynastic/ cult personality political old boys club.
Reference photo of PAP political party using BLACKMAIL, ransom and fear tactics to threaten the electorate to vote for PAP.
![[Image: CPyiKSp.jpg]](
A brief history of GRC system of elections in Singapore and how it has been used to bankrupt opposition rule and establish dynastic PAP rule with 85% reduction in by-elections inbuilt into the process:
More information about the exploitation and abuse of GRC system by PAP for their political ascendance:
'Without some assurance of a good chance of winning at least their first election, many able and successful young Singaporeans may not risk their careers to join politics,' Mr Goh Chok Tong, June 2006 ['GRCs make it easier to find top talent: SM'].
![[Image: NuT7y2w.jpg]](
[Pict= Disassembling GRC system benefits PAP (Part 1 of 3)]
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