It's like eating roadside Street hawker finger food where patrons must pay up before food preparation and collection.
Michelin restaurant is pay only if u are happy with the food and service delivered. Chef/ manager will immediately attend if u have complaint regarding the service or food.
Actually, PAP being so high handed and unreasonable as to call for early elections before COVID-19 and recession cools down can make things much worse.
Today, they already have high mandate of 69.9%, which is the result of the 2015 general elections. If they call for early election and mandate is lower than 69.9%, then people will say that they are managing the COVID-19 outbreak poorly, taking Singaporeans for granted etc.
This will promote distrust in PAP and perhaps COVID-19/ associated panic will spread even more rampantly as people feel that their leaders are dishonest and place their own self interest (dynastic political ambitions) before service to the people.
Now COVID-19 is also airborne as proven by test and reported by WHO and published in NEJM
There may even be mass panic if the PAP mandate is lower: people panic buy or even rob because they think PAP is rejected by people, PAP is not respected and not in control. Many companies close shop and move out of Singapore because they know PAP cannot manage the country and is like North Korea, led by cult leadership and corruption and personality politics in business also very rampant etc.
Similarities between PAP and corrupted third world countries about downwards manipulation of COVID-19 fatalities and numbers may arise as well with trust compromised/broken between PAP and Singaporeans.
Best is to let COVID-19 stabilise and see how stimulus works with further tweaks etc, then PAP can rule in the long run, otherwise, PAP will be like UMNO in the next next election, lose the majority to rule.
In conclusion, PAP should not rule by gangsterly threats to cause deliberate harm to citizens should they vote for rival political parties as PAP has amply done in the past, but strive to do their best to lead Singaporeans through COVID-19 and the associated recession before elections should start.
Reference :
PAP gangsterly threatening opposition supporting Singaporeans in previous elections to deliberately bring suffering and misery to their everyday lives:
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