Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

GRC electorial system is an ABUSE of Minority Race trust in Singapore:

GRC electorial system is an ABUSE of Minority Race trust in Singapore:
Actually, even before PAP implemented GRC system of elections in 1988, PAP already implemented the NCMP scheme in 1984 but it was probably just a decoy to the real damage to be done by the GRC scheme which would in majority benifit large incumbent political parties who already hold majority seats in parliament, especially the PAP party which would inordinately benifit from the GRC system of elections. (The GRC system allows PAP EXCO to dismiss a PAP MP from parliament by virtue of cancellation of his political party membership since such membership is a parliamentary membership requirement throughout an MP term in parliament if he was elected under such a political party banner during elections (and also absolve the GRC of undergoing by-election unless "100% of MP vacate their post" (see bottom reference))).