Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The fall of Aljunied GRC from PAP hegemony is gain for the people of Singapore.

Originally Posted by Pro-Govt (01-May-2011, 01:38 AM) View Post
SM Goh:"Voting out George Yeo will upset "politically balanced picture"

SINGAPORE: Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said the impact will be significant should Foreign Minister George Yeo and his team in Aljunied GRC be voted out of Parliament.
Speaking at a rally in Marine Parade GRC, Mr Goh in particular spoke of the potential impact should Mr Yeo lose his seat. ...
The fall of Aljunied GRC from PAP hegemony is gain for the people of Singapore.

The only balance seen is PAP pilfering public funds through the loophole of the PA to serve its own partisan agenda at the expense of Singapore coffers.

This imbalance due to this legislative loophole needs to be corrected.

Lets elect Mr G Yeo as President of Singapore and reinforce the President's office so it can be in control (under legitimate law) of both the PA and all statutory boards.

SM Goh should step down to become Singapore's new foreign minister and next election, the Cabinet can swear their allegiance to Singapore before President Mr George Yeo.

May integrity prevail in the balance of Singapore politics.

May the PA please stop being misused as a weapon to fix the opposition.

SM Goh put all his eggs in one basket in using the GRC system of elections to bolster PAP's hegemonic political gain during his period as PM of Singapore (1990-2004).

Now SM Goh should now kow-tow to Mr George Yeo as he suffers the political repercussions of his un-imaginative GRC thaumaturge.

The fall of Aljunied GRC from PAP hegemony is gain for the people of Singapore.

- 'PAP has blurred line between State and party': "THE cry for multi-party representation in Parliament is the People's Action Party's own doing.. The PAP has blurred the line between the State and the party: What belongs to the State belongs to the PAP... The People's Association becomes a PAP instrument... The money belongs to the State". [STforum, 13Apr2011][alt link].

- 'GRCs make it easier to find top talent: SM': "Without some assurance of a good chance of winning at least their first election, many able and successful young Singaporeans may not risk their careers to join politics" ; with hosting site footnote: "In Singapore, a Group Representation Constituency is a super-sized constituency where 5 or 6 candidates from the same party have to stand for election as a team. Voters vote for the party, not for individuals, thus weak candidates can still win a seat in Parliament by riding the coattails of stronger candidates."- [ST/ 'Yawningbread, 26June2006]

- 'Lee's Pirate Army (PAP has blurred line between State and party)': "A political parody.. Perhaps PA board would be better off being a non-partisan one appointed/ managed by the office of Singapore's unique 'Elected Presidency' rather then .." [A1forum, 01May2011]

At/ related:
01May2011: Re: SM Goh:"Voting out George Yeo will upset "politically balanced picture"
01May2011: The fall of Aljunied GRC from PAP hegemony is gain for the people of Singapore.
01May2011: G Yeo for elected Presidency?