Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Prime areas HDB sales in the Banana Republic of Singapore now.

Prime areas HDB sales in the Banana Republic of Singapore now.

Prime location HDB should have more electric PMD/ PMA park and charging points than there are electric car charging points built.

This is because the ever wayang-ing PAP, which is hell bent about having Prime areas HDB housing, so as to deceitfully adorn immigration pamphlets about the typical citizen lifestyle (in achieving the 10M population goal), and perhaps so that the rich can exploit the poor more (rich people need masses of poor people to quickly do food deliveries so they can have cheap breakfast in bed, no?).

So create complicated Prime HDB sales/ rentals procedure, just to invent more unnecessary problems for overpaid PAP cronies to solve, and thus more boondoggle jobs for Singaporeans to make money (perhaps from corrupt means too), then need to have more supervisors to inspect the ordinary supervisors as well.

HWZ calls PMD/A users low SES people:

YouTube of the quarrel:

Indeed, the PMD is a staple and necessity in HDB neighborhoods for food delivery work.

PAP indeed seems all obsessed with the pomp and ceremony of having public rental units in Prime Waterfront locations (maybe to house both their enemies and friends in different columns: enemies to be pacified with prime location housing, cronies for their loyalty to PAP rule?). Or as advertorial material for distribution worldwide to deceive citizenship recruits that this were the typical public housing in Singapore now?

Yet PAP will not sell the land at market price and will not impose inheritance taxes to increase government revenue, because PAP can run roughshod against citizen wishes and couldn't care less about the equitable distribution of wealth here.

And also create separate new programs unique to each ministry without coordination with others, inventing many new Potemkin and boondoggle jobs just to keep unemployment low, by solving old problems with bigger problems which seek new solutions through bigger problems created.

Meanwhile, those living in non-prime locations are hardest hit by public transportation fare increases which happen each year.

Singaporeans and new immigrants are so easily fooled. Just a few photos of HDB or rentals in prime locations is sufficient to fool them into thinking that prime location living is available to all; (in next life perhaps).

Singapore is just like China in the Mao Zedong era and N Korea, where the city areas are carefully manicured and developed for propaganda purposes, off the backs and at the expense of those in rural areas who have to suffer high public transportation prices, medishield-life insurance premiums, unreasonably high GST rates whilst most of the subsidies, funding and investment goes to the areas of political cronies (living as neighbors to the ruling politicians) living inside the city centre: so as to mislead others that life/ the development in Singapore is good (yes only if u have sold your soul to the political rulers in power and accept the role as a permanent political video/photo model to entertain the press and foreign dignitaries visits).

We do indeed have a banana republic government in Singapore now. No party can maintain a monopoly rule over a banana republic for long, before the society is convulsed by turmoil.

The authoritarian government and over paid appointed mayors could thus well take note to provide ample PMD/A parking and charging, so that PMD battery explosions do not happen indoors, so that their new propaganda prime HDB concept used to bait foreigners to accept Singapore citizenship doesn't become a tragic grave yard or crematorium when the whole building caches fire or due to the density of such devices deployed, many tragic deaths occur as a consequence of an electrical fire instead.


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