Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Floods in Singapore are karma for a land where the rich live at the expense of the poor.

 Floods in Singapore are karma for a land where the rich live at the expense of the poor.

All these intense localised flooding is karma that Singaporeans deserve and is warning of future environmental disaster. 

Singaporeans are small minded, impatient, mean and entitled people who e.g. treat cyclist badly, call them names like "didn't pay road tax", "poor people"; "stupid because so hot, how to cycle", "whole road is mine because I reserved it with my certificate of entitlement (COE) purchase", "it's the fault of bicycle food delivery riders for being poor (so they are disrespected on both road and foot paths)", "cycle because trying to commit suicide", "troublemakers", "nuisance", "Singapore should ban bicycle use altogether".

Actually, there is logic for more people to cycle around and it's mainly to promote health and a green environment.

And motorist are the most small minded, selfish and entitled people cos the wide expressways which they demand are both and environmental disaster and promote wealth inequality too.

At the expense of increasing ambient temperature significantly because black road surfaces emit significant heat in the afternoon sun, the rich have demanded a greater road network so they can move around fast. They don't care about the ambient temperature because they have white collar jobs and everywhere they travel to is air con. But both the environment and the poor suffer.

These both expansive and expensive road networks also inadvertently create floods since due to width, the entire surface is exposed and serves as a giant funnel which frequently overloads the drainage system and thus low lying areas frequently flood. These nasty rich people then expect everyone to pay for expensive underground water detention tanks although it is actually their selfish attitudes that caused this flooding to happen in the first place.

If the government had been more insightful and compassionate towards poor people, they would have built up the road network to include 50% of road space as bicycle lanes, Criss crossing green areas and the expressways either above or under the ground so that the land surface is 100% covered by green forest, which still allows significant area of bicycle track and foot paths, since these are more narrow pathways which don't impede any greenery growth. Since all these ground areas are also planted with forest and trees, the weather would be much cooler and more conducive for cycling around.

The MRT system can be expanded so that those who travel far or lazy to cycle can travel anywhere or when the rain is continuous making it difficult to cycle.

Car COE and taxes should be increased to at least 4 times the price now to significantly reduce the number of private cars and reckless PHV drivers so that private car travel attracts premium prices in proportion to the environmental damage and massive dis-amenities which inefficient private car transport causes in a compact town environment like Singapore now.

Instead of underground flood water detention tanks, vehicle expressways should be built underground instead so the black surfaces are not massive heat radiators in the midday sun, nor funnels to attract rain water. 

The land should be egalitarian and inclusive to all people and the rich should not live at the expense of the poor.

If Singapore cannot be a model city of happy people, but a concrete jungle where slavery is practised, rich people rob the poor daily, flood water detention tanks rule the underground and unconnected pedestrian road crossings and the minority notional unsheltered bicycle highway occupies the space above ground (to satisfy UN climate change prevention goals), and rich people's housing areas are festooned with air conditioner units, then I think PAP leaders are just another failed banana republic of junta leaders and the future of this world is indeed done for.

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