Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

COE quota should remain stable, but ERP rates should increase 3 fold.

Geylang Prawn Seller(HWZ) said:

actually he got a point

coe is too expensive. erp and petrol is too cheap

tax the usage of cars on congested roads. why tax the car itself when some people use their cars more than other people

Think the army of arrogant and self entitled PHV drivers have become a force to be reckoned with because they use 9x the mileage of an average normal (non PHV) family sedan car. "...400km a day, ... ... more than double what a single-shift taxi will register on average, as well as nine times the mileage of an average family car."-

Thus the unabashed and antisocial campaigning out of self interest with their beggar thy brother approach. (They believe that COE cuts will yield them more customers as owners ditch cars whilst an ERP rate reduction will increase their profit margins- typical tragedy of the commons mentality which will do Singapore in.

At least 'geylang prawn seller' is a virtuous person, able to see right from wrong and can see that these cheapskate PHV drivers are just trying to free load on limited supply public goods.

But we know the character of these arrogant cheapos , many whose driving behavior is nothing near safe nor perfect.

Thank you Geylang Prawn Seller for speaking truth to power. It is reassuring to find out that in Singapore, there are still sensible and honest Singaporeans around.

PHV: more about 'private hire vehicles':

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