Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

MOM tiered foreign worker levy scheme treats humans like Brainless robots. Thus the poor productivity of Singaporean workforce.

MOM tiered foreign worker levy scheme treats humans like Brainless robots. Thus the poor productivity of Singaporean workforce.
pattanispirit(HWZ) said:to solve maid problem :
1. increase birth 
- to increase supply of junior labour like part time babysitters in western countries
- to increase labour market, so mothers can stay home as housewives /caregivers for aged

2. increase childcare centres & old folk homes
how to solve labour shortage in other sectors if more housewives stay at home ?
- import more foreigners ? 
- reduce economy activities ? 

back to square one Confused22:
I think what u have just submitted is quite self contradictory. Please edit it so it can make sense.

Suffice to say, there are trade offs in any rebalancing, the true requirement being that the final outcome is better than the original to society overall.

A humane and just valuation of menial work in Singapore is crucially needed to optimize our workforce and return dignity to the people. People can only perform well when they behave and think like compassionate people, not robots. But MOM tiering the foreigner worker levy scheme turns all people into brainless robots, thus the poor productivity output of Singapore.

Undervaluing childcare, labour intensive service work irreplaceable by automation, all cheapens the lives of Singaporeans without professional qualifications and creates an unstable economy forever dependent upon foreign workforce, implying an inherently unstable country (economy).

We are setting up ourselves for failure if we don't correct these imbalances and inherent societial prejudices and weaknesses.

I repeat, the stupid foreign worker quota ratios only invites PMET level workers to under perform and prefer phantom menial work type jobs due to the minimum wage model inherent in such jobs but packaged as a 'progressive wage scheme'.

Likewise, the progressive (minimum) wage model only attracts more such menial workers for the implied job security such jobs claim to provide by government mandate (as opposed to the job insecurity of PMET jobs), which overwhelms the system ultimately and gives skills future Singapore a Sisyphean task of retraining the retrenched which only piles up since the demand for progressive wage model type jobs is unceasing.

Ultimately, the MOM foreigner tiered levy model is like heroin with short term ecstatic results but severe side effects and withdrawal symptoms. A self defeating addiction designed to bloat MOM bureaucracy and destroy Singapore in the long run.
Full thread discussion at:

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