As I understand, where critical illness insurance is concerned, smokers have to pay premiums upwards of 50% loading. With the appended website stating: "At age 20, the percentage difference is 50%, while at age 65, the percentage difference increases to 71%."
Premiums for prudential's 'Early Crisis Cover Provider' which can be found @ and seems to follow the same loading trend thereabout.
However, for medishield-life (compulsory health insurance scheme), there is zero loading for smokers. Indeed, there is zero incentive awarded to Singaporeans who strive to keep healthy and fit, suffice to say, those with pre-existing disease not already covered by medishield are charged an extra 30% in premiums for the first 10 years. (30% is only half of the market rate loading for a currently 'healthy' smoker of 50-71% btw).